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voor iedereen met een passie voor de Salsa & Latin cultuur

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Comment by Fabrizio Micciche on April 20, 2012 at 8:27am

A great festival needs a great opening, right? This is why we could not have a better start than with the stars of the Dias Cubanos. 

At the Dias Cubanos we give you the opportunity to dance with our stars during the opening party of the festival not only socially but a step further while keeping it fun! So no preparation, no choreography, no stress but just smiles and a great time for the dancers and the public. 

Are you eager to dance with one of our teachers? Than all you have to do is send us an email highlighting the teacher you would like to dance with. Than out of all the requests we will receive, we will randonmly select one participant per teacher. 

Once the couples are made, you will meet with your "star" and practice socially during the party. At midnight your star will make you shine on the dance floor! It is not a formal competition, so no judges will judge you. On the contrary, the public will decide the best couple of the night that will be awarded as our "dancing with the stars winner 2012". 

The rest of this excting Friday night party will be sparkling with pre-party workshops, animation, good music with our international DJ's and a guest rueda de casino group straight from the UK.

Ready for a great start?? Info & booking on

Party program: 
21:00-21:30 Rueda de casino workshop (Intermediate)
21:30-22:00 Rueda de casino workshop (Advanced)
22:00 Doors open for the party
22:30 Presentation of our artists
24:00 Show time with 
- Dance with the stars
- Rueda de casino from Salsa4water (The UK)
02:00 End of the party

Party Info: 
When: May 5th, 2012
Where: NH Conf. Centre Leeuwenhorst, Langelaan, 3. 2211 XT Noordwijkerhout

Pre-sale: 12 EUR (included in the Full Pass!)
At the door: 15 EUR

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Fotografie reis Havana, Cuba 12-19 oktober 2019

Posted by Karen Beerends on September 8, 2019 at 5:30pm


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