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Free "I Love Cuba 2011" CD with your next Salsa Trip to Cuba

I love Cuba 2011 is a musthave CD for salsa lovers who are planning a dance holiday to Cuba this year, and therefore included in the Salsa Holiday Package of viaDanza’s next salsa trip to Havana & Santiago de Cuba in October (Oct 15-29th).

Click here for more info about this fantastic Salsa Dance Holiday.

The I love Cuba 2011 album features all the super Top Artists of today’s Cuba and it's currently available at Most Wanted Online. This collection CD contains all the hits that are popular in the island right now and in the cuban music clubs all over the world, like the hitsong La Habana Me Llama by Manolito y Su Trabuco.

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Comment by Pascale Sterkendries on August 8, 2011 at 11:31pm

Hallo Karen,

Is die cd inclusief bij de salsa holiday package van viadanza?

Mooi zo!!

Zijn er mensen bij salsaclub die meegaan in oktober?


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Fotografie reis Havana, Cuba 12-19 oktober 2019

Posted by Karen Beerends on September 8, 2019 at 5:30pm


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